Lemon Tree

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Inspired by a real-life incident, this captivating Israeli film is both a compelling story of self-determination and an astute evaluation of the current state of a divided territory.

Watch Lemon Tree online. I have seen the "Lemon Tree", the movie was probably adapted from the book you have mentioned. It is very moving to see how human curiosity is growing between the two neighbours, one Israeli (the politician's wife) and the Palestinian whose lemon tree, a symbol of her attachment and history on that land, is going to be destroyed for security reaons. However this curiosity and attraction is never fulfilled because exterior interventions never allowed the women to really talk, to know each other. A wonderful metaphore for the Israeli-Palestinian relations. For the tragedy not being able or not being left the possibility (by circumstances, by governments...) to have a real human comprehension.

Enjoy and watch Lemon Tree movie online.


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